Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Awesome 5th Grade Cheerleaders!!

The 5th Grade Cheerleaders performed an AWESOME Halloween dance at halftime Saturday  night!!  I'm so proud of you girlies!

(If you listen close, you'll hear a song from our Musician of the Month, Danny Elfman!!)

Happy October!

I haven't done a very good job of updating my blog this month!!!
So, here is an update of what we've been up to!
Our Musician on the Month has been Danny Elfman.

Danny Elfman is a composer that writes music for movies.  Here are a couple of awesome videos that we have watched in class from the movie Nightmare Before Christmas.
The next video is a Halloween Light Show to the song This Is Hallowen from the Nightmare Before Christmas!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Staff Wars!

This week, 4th and 5th graders go to play Staff Wars on the library computers!  Thank you Mrs. Jones for letting us invade you all week!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ludwig van Beethoven

Our Musician of the Month for September for has been Ludwig van Beethoven!

We have been listening to Beethoven's music this month, and have found several that we recognize!  Here are a few of the videos that we have watched in class.
Beethoven's Wig
Beethoven Speed painting
Fur Elise McDonald's Commercial 

Welcome Back!

Wow!  Summer flew by.  And, so did the first month of school!!
I'm getting  back into the swing of things.  And, its time to update my blog!
Look for exciting new posts in the coming days!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Camille Saint- Saens

This month, we have been learning about the Camille Saint-Saens.  He is the Musician of the Month. 

He was born in 1835 and died in 1921. He was a composer, conductor, teacher, and a child prodigy! His most famous work was The Carnival of the Animals. 

We have also been learning about Instrument Familes.  Second graders were hard at work on a "cut and paste" activity.  Students had to cut out the instruments and glue them into their family!


Monday, April 1, 2013


Mr. Scott (our music intern this semester) is teaching us about Harmony.  Here is a video of a 3rd grade class singing Row, Row, Row Your Boat in a 3 part round!

I "mustache" you a question. . .

Our new bulletin board. . .
Ask your parents if they know these musicians!  Here are the answers:
1.  Stevie Wonder - blind singer/piano player
2.  John Williams - movie composer
3.  One Direction - pop sensation!
4.  Michael Jackson - "King of Pop"
5.  Bobby McFerrin - acapella singer (Don't Worry Be Happy)
6.  John Philip Sousa - "The March King"
7.  Elvis Presley - "The King of Rock and Roll"
8.  Ludwig van Beethoven - composer
9.  Petre Tchaikovsky - compser (The Nutcracker)
10.  Taylor Swift - country music singer/songwriter
11.  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - composer
12.  Johann Sebastian Bach - composer



Each week in Kindergarten, we learn a song for a letter of the alphabet.  This week we are on W!  And the song is Worms!  We listened to the song, learned the words, and then we sang the song.  THEN . . . we ATE worms! 

Well, they were actually gummy worms!  :) 

Join Band!

This week, Ms. Welty came to talk to all 5th grade classes about joining band next year in 6th grade. 

(Wow.  Mrs. Stahl's desk is sure messy!)
If you are a 5th grader and are interested in joining band next year, don't forget the fill out the note that Mrs. Stahl gave you and return it this week.  Ms. Welty will return the week after Benchmark to begin testing.

Recorder Karate!

It's been a while!  I've gotten busy and haven't posted much recently!  Here is what we've been up to.

4th and 5th grade have been hard at work on Recorder Karate.  Recorder Karate is a program where students earn "belts" to tie on their recorder by correctly playing a song for Mrs. Stahl.  There are 9 songs and when they can correctly play all, they earn their black belt.  We currently have 5 black belts!  (three 5th graders and two 4th graders). 

One of my 4th grade classes performing Old MacDonald -
(purple belt). 


Friday, February 22, 2013

Rhythm Caterpillars

1st and 2nd Grade students have been learning about rhythm - ta (quarter notes), ti ti (two eigth notes), and rest (quarter rest).  After practicing these rhythms as a class, we split into groups to clasp and say the rhythms. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had an AWESOME Christmas break! I did!

But, now we are back at school. And, as most of my students already know, January is Mrs. Stahl's favorite month!!! IT IS ELVIS MONTH!!! Woohoo!

The "Musician of the Month" for January is Elvis Presley! In music this month we will be listening to Elvis songs, watching videos of Elvis singing, playing instruments to Elvis music, and looking at pictures of his amazing career.


Here is the most loved video at Dover Elementary School. It is requested and watched more than any other.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Jailhous Rock!