Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Cappella

Our Word of the Week is A Cappella.  
A Cappella is music that only uses voices with no other instruments.  We have been watching these videos in class.

(This is last year's video.)

Friday, October 9, 2015

Halloween Rules!

Forte Piano

This week's Word of the Week is Dynamics!  Dynamics is how loud or how quiet the music is.  Here is the video that we watched in class!

Next week we will learn Crescendo and Decrescendo.  Here is a sneak peak!

Welcome Miss Miller & Miss McAnulty!

I would like to say a huge welcome to our new Music Interns!  Miss Caitlin Miller and Miss Jessica McAnulty!  They will be with us until December!
Miss Miller and Miss McAnulty have some exciting things planned for the next few weeks!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Star Spangled Banner

It's September!  Every year in September we celebrate Freedom week, the Constitution, and the writing of the Star-Spangled Banner!  

The Star-Spangled Banner was written by Francis Scott Key on Sept. 12, 1814.  He was aboard a British ship in Baltimore Harbor.  

Here are the videos that we will watch in class this week.

Raising the flag at Fort McHenry:

The Battle at Fort McHenry:

Kids Explain the National Anthem 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A New AJ Show!

Two of our students have their own YouTube show.  
Here is their latest episode of the AJ Show!

Episode 4 - The AJ (Cooking) Show

Here are their older episodes;

Episode 3 - Magic Day

Episode 2 - (Not so) Creepy Doll

Episode 1

Friday, August 21, 2015

Welcome Back!!

Welcome back DES students!  I'm super excited to start a brand new year!

I had a great summer.  I went on an awesome vacation with my family to Walt Disney World in Florida!

I also learned to play the ukulele!  
That's my sister playing with me.  I'm not really very good!!!  Neither is she.  :)

This year we have some awesome new instruments.  Here are a few!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The AJ Show!

A couple of our students have started a YouTube Channel called The AJ Show!  They have 3 episodes and have done a GREAT job!!  Watch them below.  Catch new episodes here!

Episode 1

Episode 2 - (Not So) Creepy Doll

Episode 3 - Magic Day!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Music Centers

It's what we've waited for all year!  Music Centers!

Each year we have music centers in the first 2 weeks of May.  Its a super fun way to spend music class.  And, you get to participate in activities that we usually can't! 

Here are a few pics from this year's Centers.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Happy by Alex Boye and One Voice Children's Choir

Alex Boye is a terrific singer who "Africanizes" songs.  Here are a couple that I think my students will enjoy!

The first is Let It Go.  In this video, he teams up with One Voice Children's choir.  There are some really great singers in this choir!! 

Up next is Happy!  Check out the One Voice Children's choir dressed up as the minions!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Instrument Families

This week we are talking about Instrument Families!  

We have seen and heard several different instruments including the saxophone, trumpet, trombone, flute and guitar!

We have learned a song for each of the instrument families:  Woodwind, Brass, String and Percussion!

When we learned about the String Family, we watched this cool video!  
(Watch as the Piano Guys play songs from Frozen on piano and cello!)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Recorder Karate Black Belts

49 Recorder Karate Black Belts!  WHAT?!?!

I am so proud of these sweet 4th and 5th grade faces!

4th Grade Black Belts

5th Grade Black Belts


Funny Face  :D 

Rossini - Cat Duet

This month we are learning about Gioachino Rossini!  I hope you enjoy this video of the Cat Duet!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Word of the Week - Solo & Duet

Every week 2-5 grades have a Word of the Week.  
This week our word(s) were Solo & Duet.  
Mr. Sorrells (our Mon-Tues. intern) wrote a great song to help us remember their definitions.  
He also made a FABULOUS video!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Musician of the Month: Giaochino Rossini

Our new Musician of the Month for March is Giaochino Rossini! 

Rossini wrote lots of operas.  And, this week in 2nd  and 3rd grades, we did a parachute activity to the finale to William Tell Overture (from the Opera William Tell).

Monday, March 9, 2015

Treble Clef & Bass Clef

This week in Music class (2-5 grades), the Word of the Week is Treble Clef and Bass Clef.  I found these super cool videos to demonstrate them.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Jump Rope for Heart!

Jump Rope For Heart is an annual event that DES takes part in every February.  It is led by our awesome PE teacher, Mrs. Land.  Music classes team up with PE classes for this event.  Here are a few fun pics and videos that I took!

If you'd like to make a donation to Jump Rope for Heart, click here!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Just for Fun!!

There isn't anything musical to learn from this video . . . 
I just love it!!!  

The Pig and the Cookie Jar

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Arkansas Symphony Orchestra visit

Last week the 4th and 5th graders visited The Center for the Arts in Russellville, AR to hear the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra perform.  We loved it!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Recorder Karate - Black Belts already?!?!

Every January, 4th and 5th grade students begin Recorder Karate.  

In Recorder Karate, students must learn 9 songs.  Each song is a little more difficult than the previous one.  Each song is assigned a color, and when they can play the song for me without error, they earn that color of belt (string to tie around their recorder). 

They also get to sign their name on the corresponding poster on the wall.

This is the 3rd week of Recorder Karate.   And, we already have 3 BLACK BELTS!!!!!  The 3rd week!!!  THIRD!!

One is a 4th Grader (who has never done Recorder Karate before), and the other two are 5th graders.  However, this year's songs are not the same ones they played last year.  So, they had to learn 9 new songs.

I am so incredibly proud of the these hard working girls.  They did this with NO help from me.  They practiced at home and came in a played all of the songs for me!  Way to go!!

Did I mention that it is only the 3rd week of Recorder Karate?!?!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ella sings with Elvis!

Every January is Elvis month.  I have several videos posted on the Elvis tab at the top.  So, if you would like to see them, click there.  But, I found something new that I thought you might enjoy!

Ella is a 20 month old that loves Elvis!  

Here is the same video matched up with a video of Elvis singing!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Cappella

This week's Word of the Week is A Cappella.  
A Cappella is music using only voices.  
Here is the video that we have been watching in class to demonstrate it!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Musical Mateys sing at the Capital!

The Secretary of State's office recorded us singing at the Capital in December and uploaded it to their site!  Here is a link to it!

You can also click here for the pictures that they took of us!  After you click the link, scroll down to the bottom of the page (look for the purple shirts!)